Hello, and welcome to the official Saluc_Militaria store! Browse to your hearts content, and feel free to contact us with suggestions or requests!
The AI-2 kit, commonly known as the "aptechka" kit is featured in many videogames, but not everyone knows that they exist in real life! these civil defense medicine kits were mainly focused on the effects of radiation, but also used to include syringes full of a narcotic opioid, which had painkilling effects. These kits come with 7 total pill vials, which can be used to store medication, or other small goods. We would highly recommend washing out each pill vial before putting anything in them that will be ingested. This kits are mainly for cosplay/reaction purposes, but with the correct use, can still find their way into your bugout bag.
The kits
We are a small startup military surplus distribution business located in the USA. Our mission is to provide cheap and affordable surplus for all who want or need it. We source from around the world, helping out local business along the way! With these amazing connections, we can source most everything, at a low price, just make sure to contact us for more information and if you have any requests!